Autocomplete &
Transcription Shortcuts
Speed Up Your Transcription by Automating Blocks of Text
When transcribing, we often have to type the same speaker identifiers, technical terms, hard-to-spell names, and other text over and over again. SCRIBE offers you two different methods – Autocomplete or Transcription Shortcuts. Both allow you to define strings of characters that will automatically appear in your transcript when you type a couple of keystrokes. See which one suits your transcription style best. They are big time savers!
In the Menu Bar, choose Options > Program Settings, then select the Autocomplete Tab.
Click the checkbox to “Enable Transcription Autocomplete.”
In the space “Text to Replace” type in a short snip of text that will be replaced with the full string of text you want there. This abbreviated text should be:
— 2 to 4 letters that don’t form a real word that you would otherwise follow with the spacebar, a comma, colon, semi-colon, period or the Enter key.
— Case sensitive. Use the exact capital and lower case letters you plan to type.
In the space “Replace With” type in the full string of characters and spaces that will appear when you type the shorter string.
You can add, edit or delete Autocomplete text at any time. The entries on the Autocomplete list are universal within SCRIBE, so they will be available to you to use in other transcripts until you delete them.
To delete an entry on the Autocomplete list, just click it and hit ‘Delete.’
Transcription Shortcuts
Transcription Shortcuts add strings of text to your document using up to 70 different key combinations that you define using modifier keys (Shift, Alt, and Ctrl or Cmd) combined with the Function keys (F1-F12) on your keyboard.
In the Menu Bar, choose Options > Program Settings, and click the Transcription Shortcuts tab.
To help you remember your list of Transcription Shortcuts, you can hit the ‘Copy to Clipboard’ button and paste the list into a text document for easy reference.